Ledelse - værktøjer

Sector Review

Sector Review is a compilation of the architectural, engineering consultancy and industrial consultancy sectors in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe.

The Sector Review report has been published by the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies (Innovationsföretagen) since 1995. It is a compilation of the architectural, engineering consultancy and industrial consultancy sectors in Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe.

The Review presents ranking lists of the largest corporate groups in the respective markets, relevant key performance indicators for the industry, news on structural change and business transactions and information on the development of the industry and economy within the sector and the different markets over the past year.

Since 2005, Innovationsföretagen's counterparts in the Nordic countries have contributed to the Sector Review report.

The organisations that participate in this cooperation are:

  • Denmark: Foreningen af Rådgivende Ingeniører (FRI)
  • Norway: Rådgivende Ingeniørers Forening (RIF)
  • Finland: SKOL and ATL (architects)
  • Iceland: Félag ráðgjafar­verkfræðinga (FRV) and FSSA (architects)

Until 2017, the Association of Consulting Engineers together with the Danish Association of Architectural Firms and the Danish Construction Association each year released an export profile that highlighted the international demand for Danish services.

Debat: Hvor der er vilje, er der en vej
Debat: Hvor der er vilje, er der en vej
Danmarks veje har brug for vores opmærksomhed. Og de har først og fremmest brug for, at nogen lægger en plan. Både for, hvordan vi får standarden på vejene op på et acceptabelt niveau og holder det i fremtiden, og for, hvordan vi får vores transportinfrastruktur til at spille sammen med vores ambitioner for den grønne omstilling. Det overskyggende problem er manglen på en samlet og bæredygtig mobilitetsplan for Danmark.