Eliminating world poverty in all its forms and dimensions by 2030 will require an enormous effort by governments, civil society and the private sector. Danish consulting engineering companies contributes to the eradication of poverty both indirectly and directly. Most of our provided services, from planning and implementing new infra- structure to provision of clean water and sanitation contributes indirectly to lift people out of poverty. More directly, Danish consulting engineering companies assist both national and local governments with capacity building, programme management and fund managing, related to the ght against poverty.
PRODEM is a contribution to urban poverty reduction, local governance development, and climate change mitigation in ve northern provinces of Mozambique. The program is jointly nanced by Danida, Sida, Irish Aid, the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Government of Mozambique. Over the past three years, a Technical Assistance Team provided by COWI has enhanced the capacity of elected leaders and technical staff to plan
and implement small infrastructure projects and develop municipal plans in the areas of climate resilience, solid
waste management and municipal nance within a budget of 25 million USD. Men and women in vulnerable neighborhoods are mobilized and organized to participate in municipal planning and budgeting. The scope of work for the capacity development and technical assistance function includes: On-the-job hands-on training combined with more formalized training sessions as well as exchange visits, job swaps and twinning arrangements. COWI undertakes programme management, fund managing and capacity development services.
SECONDARY GOALS: 11, 12 & 16